Keith and Jennifer Kane, who own The Berry Joint smoothy and juice bar at 2424 West Shore Road, said they believe the vandalism happened in the early hours Saturday, since Keith was at the shop at midnight and returned to find the shop doors smashed at 7 a.m. Saturday.
“It’s kinda disheartening,” Keith said, noting that vandalism in the area has seemed to increase since August. Vandalism aside, he said they’ve enjoyed running their business in the location since they opened there in Februrary 2023.
“Everything has been great and we love it,” Keith said. But the vandalism of their doors will be costly. One door is a double-glass steel framed door.
“It’s at least a couple grand to replace that door,” he said, and a second door broken by the vandals will be about $400 to fix.
The Berry Joint wasn’t the only business struck by vandals, he said. A door was smashed at the nearby Burger King. At the 2677 West Shore Road Dunkin Donuts nearby, he said, staff reported vandals had hung from a sign and caused damage there. Also, he said, a local home was spray-painted and a man’s truck had also been spray-painted.
Warwick Police did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the reports.
“It’s impressive the amount of damage they did in one night,” Keith said.
This story will be updated as more information is available.
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