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Warwick Ward 6 City Council Race Q&A: Lane Italiane

[CREDIT: Lane Italiane Campaign] Beth A. Lane Italiane, is running for Ward 6 City Council.

[CREDIT: Lane Italiane Campaign] Beth A. Lane Italiane, is running for Ward 6 City Council.
[CREDIT: Lane Italiane Campaign] Beth A. Lane Italiane, is running for Ward 6 City Council.
WARWICK, RI — Beth A. Lane Italiane, an accountant who has led nonprofits and former business manager for Florida Insurance Guaranty Association, is running for Ward 6 City Council to improve infrastructure, contain taxes, make government responsive and transparent.

Lane Italiane has more than  44 years of professional experience, serving as an accountant, working directly with CPAs and auditing firms. She was Executive Director for a non-profit organization for hearing professionals, representing them at both state and federal levels.  She also worked as an audioprosthologist and was the business manager for the Florida Insurance Guaranty Association (FIGA), reevaluating all state insurance claims regarding Hurricane Katrina.

She holds  a degree in Liberal Arts, Business Administration, and Forensic Criminal Justice and is also a member of the American Conference of Audioprosthology (ACA). She graduated with honors from Phi Kappa Delta. 

Lane Italiane  says her personal life is a testament to her unwavering commitment to family.

“I have been happily married to James for over 51 years and am a proud parent of two grown children. Our daughter Jamie, a dentist in Coventry, has three boys, while our son Sean, a retired Air Force firefighter, resides in Florida and has a son and daughter. This substantial family bond is the foundation of my values. It will guide my decisions as a council member, ensuring that every decision I make is rooted in the principles of family and community,” Lane Italiane wrote when asked about her run and background.

The  California transplant, hailing orginally from  New Bedford, MA, returned to her East Coast roots. Seven years ago, she and her husband bought their house on Brush Neck Cove, making it their full-time home. “I am proud to be a resident here in Warwick, which has etched its name in the core of my heart. I am deeply grateful for the warm welcome and community I’ve experienced since moving here, and I look forward to giving back to this wonderful community,” Lane Italiane said. 

“My vision for Warwick is a city where every child can grow up in a beautiful, caring environment that empowers them to reach their potential. We must focus on building a solid infrastructure for our children and containing city taxes to achieve this. We must also ensure transparency and accountability in spending, with every dollar used in the people’s best interest. As a public servant, I am committed to being responsive and transparent, bringing fresh ideas to the table without favoritism,” she added.

Warwick Ward 6 City Council race Q&A rules invited all Warwick City Council candidates to answer the same seven questions, giving them four days to respond. Candidates were urged to answer the questions directly, and invited to elaborate on each topic after answering the initial question. The answers have been edited for style and spelling, to ensure responses remain on-topic, and to avoid introducing misinformation into the debate.

All the candidates’ answers to the questionnaire have been posted within the same  10-minute window, with a digital dice roll assigning the order each set of answers run on the site, and thus, their order in  the daily newsletter.

 Here are Warwick Post’s questions, and Lane Italiane’s answers:

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A : 1) The recent sexual harassment lawsuit against the city alleges disregard for the city’s sexual harassment policy among staff and managers. Warwick Post reporting on the city’s sexual harassment policy shows it does not provide for verification of receipt of the policy or routine reminders for city personnel. However, the people involved in the suit had been sent the policy and/or attended training to combat sexual harassment six months prior to the start of events alleged in the lawsuit:

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A –  1a) Should the policy require documentation of receipt and understanding, and/or reminders?

LANE ITALIANE: We should require documentation from employees that they have read and understand policies on sexual harassment. All employees should attend an annual refresher course on this matter.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 1b) Warwick Post received information on the policy and its distribution to managers –  public information – after a public records request following unanswered requests to the mayor’s office, weeks later. Mayor Picozzi has declined comment on the issue, citing legal concerns. Does Warwick’s mayor have a responsibility to comment to the public generally about the sexual harassment policy, and the communication of it to staff? How would you handle such situations?

LANE ITALIANE: As I sat through the long hours of the budget meetings, Mayor Picozzi repeatedly announced that “he is responsible for all department heads and departments.” Therefore, the mayor has a responsibility not only to the entire department but also to us, the taxpayers. The person harassing his/her peer has no place in the workforce. Harassment has no place in our city or elsewhere and should be researched and immediately terminated if the findings are accurate. This should be “zero tolerance”.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 1c) Please share any other thoughts you have on this.


WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 2) What is the most important thing you intend to do to aid small businesses in the city?

LANE ITALIANE: Mom-and-pop businesses are the core of our democracy. Since COVID, many small businesses have been pushed to their financial limits.  We need to work with them to get through the planning, building permits, licensing, and other departments to ease some strict rules. Educate them on SBA small business loans and training. I am not saying to eliminate the regulations but to extend some of them to help them get off the ground. We must fix roads and clean up all the abandoned lots that are not kept anymore so people will want to return to our city. I want to bring beautification back to Warwick again.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 3) In 2022, the RIAG’s office ruled the original digital records detailing WFD sick time taken by firefighters between 2013 and 2018 that cost the city up to $368,000, produced for the city by Marcum, belonged to Marcum and not the public, and therefore were not subject to the RI Access to Public Records Act, leaving the public to enter the information manually from the printed report for digital analysis:

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A –  3a) Should future reports of this sort commissioned to third parties include the digital records produced?

LANE ITALIANE: We should remember to include this in our contracts with all outside forces so that it can be made public digitally for the public to read. It’s important to remember that City Council members represent their constituents and can see and read all proposed. 

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A –  3b) What is your opinion of how this information was released to the public?

LANE ITALIANE: I need to recuse myself from personal feelings in this matter as I do use Marcum with a couple of my clients, of which Tom Lisi is a head CPA. I would not want to overstep any boundaries and to remember my oath of privacy or office.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 3c) Please share any other thoughts you have on this topic.

LANE ITALIANE: Lane Italiane did not elaborate on this question.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 4) Warwick School Committee Chairman Shaun Galligan reports the new high schools project will outstrip the $350M bond.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 4a) Would you support a second bond to make up the difference? Why or Why Not?

LANE ITALIANE: I heard from both sides at the school committee meeting this past Wednesday. I listen to their feelings as I walk door to door to chat with people. I have researched why parents send their kids to private schools or other cities. It is mainly our school’s reputation as one of the lowest academically. Unless we properly maintain our schools and other public buildings, we will continue needless early replacements like our high schools. 

As presented this past Wednesday, I would not support a second bond. 

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 4b) Please share any other thoughts you have on this topic.

LANE ITALIANE: We need to look at the big picture. If parents send their kids to other cities, what can we offer them to stay? Making a beautiful state of art school is not the only answer. East Greenwich schools are old, with no air conditioning and horrific maintenance (my son-in-law is a teacher there), but they max out on students from other cities wanting to transfer there. They go for the academics, not the “state-of-the-art” or athletic fields.  We could afford to pay our teachers much better with proper oversight and budgeting. 

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 5) ACLU of Rhode Island has filed a free speech suit against the Warwick City Council  in federal court for stifling the free speech rights of Rob Cote, barred from speaking at a July 17 Council meeting about allegations of ethical misconduct aimed at Councilwoman Donna Travis.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 5a) Are you prepared to honor the public’s right to speak at Council meetings, even if the speech criticizes you personally, or someone you know?

LANE ITALIANE: We are representatives of our constituents. I hope they will come to me to work things out, but they can discuss their concerns if they don’t. The public has the right to speak, and I disagree with their freedom of speech being taken away, as is being currently done. 

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 5b) Why do you think Mr. Cote’s speech was so easily squelched? What would you propose to avoid a repeat of this behavior from the Council?

LANE ITALIANE: Mr. Cote’s speech was squelched because Councilwoman Travis knew she was in the wrong. The proper thing would have been to get a vote from all council members on whether Mr. Cote could continue his speech. 

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A –  5c) Please share any other thoughts you have on this topic.

LANE ITALIANE: I would like to see questions & answers in the city council meetings. Time can still be made, and it needs to be much longer than 3 minutes for each person. The first meeting of each month could be advertised with a Q&A time. This would also bring more people into the meeting. Our constituents feel that attending the meetings wastes time because they never get answers to the questions and are restricted to 3 minutes. Some of the current board members appear not to care when they are speaking, as they are busy on their phones or napping.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A – 6) In 2023, members of the public unsuccessfully proposed reforms to the public speaking segment rules, including preventing Council members’ filibustering from counting against the public speaker’s time, and allowing responses from the Council.

6a) Will you support those changes when the rules are scheduled to be reconsidered in 2025? Why?

LANE ITALIANE: Please see my answers in number 5. I will:

    • Make department heads responsible for staying within their budgets. · 
    • Work with companies with proper qualifications to present a reasonable working bid 
    • Have departments who are responsible for our city properties and vacant lots maintain them back to the beauty they once had
    • Foster a culture of openness, responsibility, and accountability
    • Fight for your needs and make decisions backed by evidence and care.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A –  6b) What other changes would you like to see?

LANE ITALIANE: Lane Italiane did not elaborate on this question.

WARWICK Ward 6 CITY COUNCIL Q&A –  6c) Please share any other thoughts you have on this topic.

LANE ITALIANE: Lane Italiane did not elaborate on this question.


Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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