WARWICK, RI — This year’s Memorial Day ceremony will be held Monday, May 27, 10 a.m. at the WWI memorial in front of Warwick City Hall.
Joseph J. Solomon will preside over a wreath-laying Ceremony at the memorial. The event is the 151st anniversary of Memorial Day in remembrance of all men and women who have perished while wearing the uniform of the armed services.
On Thursday, Solomon also attended Holliman Elementary School’s Memorial Day ceremony, which included the Warwick Firefighter’s honor guard.
Last year, the ceremony was held at Warwick Veteran’s Memorial Middle School, where it had been held for the last several years following the City’s Memorial Day Parade, which has not been held since 2016.
The Mayor’s office invites veterans and military families to wear clothing representing their service, if possible.
[CREDIT: Mayor Joe Solomon] Holliman High School held its annual Memorial Day ceremony Thursday, with Mayor Joseph Solomon and the Warwick Firefighters Honor Guard attending.
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