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Upcoming Warwick Events: Sept. 18 through 25

Pawtuxet Village hosts a Wish Lantern Send Off on Sept. 21.
Pawtuxet Village hosts a Wish Lantern Send Off on Sept. 21.


Warwick, RI — Food for the stomach and mind, plus My Fair Lady at OST make this week’s list of events in Warwick.

Can’t Miss: Taste of East Greenwich

For this week, we’re making a geographic exemption in support of the nearby 3rd Annual Taste of East Greenwich, which opens with a ‘Savor East Greenwich’ kickoff scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the EG Yacht Club. [Tickets are $25.]

The culinary exhibitionism continues through Sept. 28, with the 2014 list of participating restaurants posted online. There are better than two dozen places who’ve joined the local effort.

Proceeds from the collaboration go to help the Animal Rescue League of Southern RI.  Reserve tickets at The East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce website.

Friday, Sept. 19, 2014:

Warwick Public Library Book Sale Preview, 6 p.m.

It is definitely worth the $10 [or free entry if you’re already a Friend of the Library] to get access to the Warwick Library’s big book sale — before the sale goes public. Somewhere around 6,000 items, including print and pressed media, are in the inventory. Also on Sept. 20 starting at 9 a.m. and Sept. 21 starting at 1 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014:

Exhibit on Rhode Island Farming, 1 p.m.

Clouds Hill Victorian House Museum continues its History of Agriculture exhibit and brings back the Old Truck Show until 3 p.m.

See the tools and equipment used by Rhode Island farmers, and learn about the state’s history in agriculture.

Admission is $12 adults, $10 seniors, $5 for kids under 12. Special two-adult, two-child package for $25. Through Sept. 23.

For more info, call (401) 884-9490.

Autumnal Equinox Lantern Lighting, 7 p.m.

Pawtuxet Village provides a fine setting for a Wish Lantern Lighting and Send Off, down at the Aspray Boat House.

Spring for the $10 [also 2 for $15 or 5 for $37.50] at Cork & Brew and Twice Told Tales and float them away into the night sky. The Friends of Pawtuxet Village have a lovely gallery of 2013 Wish Lantern Lighting photos [we’ve included a sample above].

Oh, and say hello to fall. Officially.

Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014:

My Fair Lady at OST, 7:30 p.m.

The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain. Plainly, genius composition wonderfully executed.

Whether you know it from reading Pygmalion in English class or watching the movie version, My Fair Lady is a perennial crowd favorite. Ocean State Theatre kicks off its fall schedule with the lively musical, through Oct. 19. Tix are $39/$49/$54.

Mark your calendar:

Friday, Sept. 26, 2014:

Rhode Island authors reading, 6:30 p.m.

The Elephant Room at 2170 Broad St. loads its roster with all-stars Ray Wolf (Lost Villages of Scituate), Rhiannon Smith (20 Days of Inner Alchemy) and Jessica Metcalf (Last Daughter of Lilith) reading from their respective bodies of work.

Collen Kelly-Mellor hosts the ‘Lively Literati’ gathering, which is also expected to include ‘open mike’ time with the writers, is free. Signed copies of the authors’ works will also be available.

Psst! Know how we knew about ^ this event ^? The organizers used the Warwick Post calendar. You can, too.

Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014:

Benefit Dog Walk and Blessing of the Animals, 10:30 a.m.

Another event found on our calendar was this gem, the 7th Annual Dog Walk and Blessing of the Animals, scheduled for the first weekend in October. Warwick City Park is the site for the event, which includes short and long walk options for your leashed dog [no flexi-leads, people, be considerate], and free dog portraits with donations of dog or cat food [they’re looking for cases of wet food and 16-lb. bags of dog chow] by White Dog Studios.

Water and waste bags provided, how thoughtful. Blessings administered from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Walks start at 11:30.

It’s all to support the Warwick Animal Shelter. Find more info at the Friends of Warwick Animal Shelter Facebook page.

Joe Hutnak -
Author: Joe Hutnak -

Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Warwick Post. For Warwick Post-related inquiries or communications, email

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