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Single Car Crash Ends in DUI Arrest for Driver

CREDIT: Warwick Police Headquarters is located at 99 Veterans Memorial Drive.
CREDIT: Warwick Police Headquarters is located at 99 Veterans Memorial Drive.

Warwick, RI — Officer Gregory Johnson was called to the Centerville Road eastbound exit off Rte. 95 north (Exit 10) for a single car crash with a brown 2006 Toyota Camry on the side of the ramp Nov. 10 at 11:07 a.m., arresting the driver on a DUI charge.

When Johnson found the Toyota at 11:12 a.m., he noted it had Massachusetts plates and what appeared to be fresh damage to the left rear bumper, to the right front fender and door and a curb strike to the right front tire, which was flat, according to the officer’s report.

Johnson wrote it appeared the car had struck a Jersey barrier, but couldn’t tell where the collision had occurred. He spoke with the driver, Michelle Dupree, 54, of 10 Brookside Ave., and reported a strong odor of alcohol on her breath, that her face was flushed, and her eyes were slightly bloodshot.

Dupree couldn’t explain the crash, and that the car’s tires must have been defective and simply blown out, according to the officer’s report. Johnson called for assistance to look for a possible collision site, and also to assist with a DUI investigation of Dupree.

Dupree agreed to take sobriety tests, and nearly fell back into her car as she stepped out to take them, Johnson reported. She demonstrated a lack of smooth pursuit in her vision, broke heel-to-toe cadence during the walk-and-turn test, and refused to take the one-leg-stand test, telling Johnson, “No, that is way too subjective.” She followed this statement by attempting to walk away from the officer down the ramp, and had to be restrained, according to the officer’s report.

Johnson arrested Dupree and arranged to have her car towed by Ronnie’s towing. She was transported to Warwick Police Headquarters, where she refused to submit to a chemical blood test. She was charged with DUI, first offense, and cited for refusing the test, and also for possession of 2.5 ounces of marijuana discovered in her car.

She was also cited for failing to maintain control of her car and for operating with a revoked registration. ‘

Her landlord arrived at 2:50 p.m. to take custody of her, according to the report.

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

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