Editor’s note: The following RI arrests recorded in the RI Trooper Log were reported by the RI State Police on their website. An arrest reflects charges against an individual, and does not indicate guilt or innocence.
WARWICK, RI — RI Trooper Log arrests May 1 – May 7 in and involving Warwick spanned charges for DUI, no-contact order violation, missed court hearings, and assault.
Here are the details of those arrests:
Domestic no contact order violation arrest At 4:15 p.m. May 4, troopers arrested Andrew B. Shepard, 40, of 104 Arlington Avenue, Warwick, Rhode Island, for Violation of a Domestic No Contact Order.
The arrest was a result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95 North in the City of Warwick. The subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks for processing, arraigned by a Justice of the Peace and later transported to the Adult Correctional Institution Men’s Intake Center.
DUI arrest At 1:12 a.m. May 4, troopers arrested Brittany L. Gomes, 29, of 727 Mineral Spring Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and/or Drugs – First Offense / B.A.C. Unknown and Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test – First Offense.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95 North in the City of Warwick. The subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks for processing, arraigned by a Justice of the Peace and later released into the custody of a responsible adult.
DUI Arrest On Tuesday, May 4, at 10:32 p.m., troopers arrested Cindy Rosales Ruiz, 29, of 37 Yale Ave., Apartment #320, Warwick , Rhode Island, for 1.) Driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and/or drugs with a BAC .15 or greater (Phase I BAC = .203, Phase II BAC = .203 ), and 2.) Reckless driving.
The arrest was the result of Troopers responding to the report of a wrong way driver on Route 6, in the City of Providence. Rosales Ruiz was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, arraigned and then released into the custody of a responsible adult.
Wanted for Assault with Dangerous Weapon On May 5, members of the Rhode Island Violent Fugitive Task Force arrested Michael Monteiro, 25, of 91 Cavalcade Blvd., Warwick, on an Affidavit and Arrest Warrant drafted by the Cranston Police Department for Felony Assault with a Dangerous weapon, Domestic Disorderly Conduct and Domestic Vandalism.
Monteiro was processed and transported to the Cranston Police Department.
Missed court, embezzlement charge On Thursday, May 6, at 6:51 a.m., troopers arrested Billi-Sue Lavelle, 50, of 65 Beachwood Drive, North Kingstown, Rhode Island, on a Washington County Superior Court bench warrant for failure to appear for a technical violation hearing on the charge of embezzlement over $100 originating out of the Narragansett Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95, in the City of Warwick. Lavelle was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, and later transported to the Washington County Superior Court.
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