PROVIDENCE, RI – The Rhode Island Board of Elections is alerting Rhode Islanders that RI same-day voting registration law allows people who missed the Oct. 6 registration deadline to vote for President and Vice-President Nov. 5 at a designated voting location in their city or town.
To vote for President and Vice-President in the 2024 Election, residents must meet the following requirements:
- Are a United States Citizen
- 18-years-old
- Not incarcerated upon a felony conviction
- Not judged mentally incompetent to vote by a court of law
- Have resided in RI since Oct. 6 or prior
Residents who are already registered to vote in Rhode Island but moved to a different city or town are also eligible to take advantage of this option if they missed the October 6th deadline to register in their new city or town of residence.
On Nov. 5, specific voting locations will be established in all the cities and towns to process voters taking advantage of this law. Residents must vote at the location found within their city or town of residence. A list of locations has been attached to this release.
Registered voters can always view or update their registration record, determine their assigned polling place, and view their sample ballot online at
For more information, please call 401-222-2345 or visit online at
RI Same-Day Voting Registration for President and Vice-President Voting Locations
- Barrington, Town Hall 283 County Rd. 02806 Tel. 247-1900 x4
- Bristol, Town Hall 10 Court St. 02809 Tel. 253-7000
- Burrillville, Town Hall 105 Harrisville Main St. Harrisville 02830 Tel. 568-4300
- Central Falls, City Hall 580 Broad St. 02863 Tel. 727-7450
- Charlestown, Town Hall 4540 South County Trl. 02813 Tel. 364-1200
- Coventry, Town Hall Annex 1675 Flat River Rd. 02816 Tel. 822-915
- Cranston, City Hall 869 Park Ave. 02910 Tel. 780-3126
- Cumberland, Town Hall 45 Broad St. 02864 Tel. 728-2400
- East Greenwich, Town Hall 125 Main St., P.O. Box 111 02818 Tel. 886-8603
- East Providence, City Hall 145 Taunton Ave. 02914 Tel. 435-7502
- Exeter, Town Hall 675 Ten Rod Rd. 02822 Tel. 294-2287
- Foster, Town Hall 181 Howard Hill Rd. 02825 Tel. 392-9201
- Glocester, Town Hall 1145 Putnam Pike P.O. Drawer B 02814 Tel. 568-6206 x0
- Hopkinton, Town Hall 1 Town House Rd. 02833 Tel. 377-7777
- Jamestown, Town Hall 93 Narragansett Ave. 02835 Tel. 423-9804
- Johnston Senior Center, 1291 Hartford Ave. 02919 Tel. 553-8856
- Lincoln, Town Hall, 100 Old River Rd 02865 Tel. 333-1140
- Little Compton, JF Wilbur McMahon School 28 Commons 02837 Tel. 635-4400
- Middletown, Town Hall 350 East Main Rd. 02842 Tel. 849-5540
- Narragansett, Town Hall 25 Fifth Ave. 02882 Tel. 782-0625
- Newport, City Hall 43 Broadway 02840 Tel. 845-5386
- New Shoreham, Town Hall 16 Old Town Rd. P.O. Box 220 02807 Tel. 466-320
- North Kingstown, Town Hall 100 Fairway Drive 02852 Tel. 294-3331 x12
- North Providence, Town Hall 2000 Smith St. 02911 Tel. 232-0900 x234
- North Smithfield, Municipal Annex 575 Smithfield Rd. 02896 Tel. 767-2200
- Blackstone Valley Visitor Center 137 Roosevelt Ave. 02860 Tel. 722-163
- Portsmouth, Town Hall 2200 East Main Rd. 02871 Tel. 683-3157
- Providence, Amica Mutual Pavilion 1 La Salle Square. 02903 Tel. 421-0495
- Richmond, Town Hall 5 Richmond Townhouse Rd. Wyoming 02898 Tel. 539-9000 x
- Scituate, Town Hall 195 Danielson Pike P.O. Box 328, North Scituate 02857 Tel. 647-746
- Smithfield, Town Hall 64 Farnum Pike, Smithfield 02917 Tel. 233-1000 x116
- South Kingstown, Town Hall 180 High St. Wakefield 02879 Tel. 789-9331 x1231
- Tiverton, Town Hall 343 Highland Rd. 02878 Tel. 625-6703
- Warren, Town Hall 514 Main St. 02885 Tel. 245-7340
- Warwick, City Hall 3275 Post Rd. 02886 Tel. 738-2000
- West Greenwich, Town Hall 280 Victory Hwy. 02817 Tel. 392-380
- West Warwick, Town Hall 1170 Main St. 02893 Tel. 822-920
- Westerly, Town Hall 45 Broad St. 02891 Tel. 348-2503
- Woonsocket, City Hall 169 Main St. P.O. Box B 02895 Tel. 767-9223
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