“Justice was served this afternoon in a Minneapolis courtroom when a jury rightly convicted Derek Chauvin for murdering George Floyd nearly a year ago,” said RI Police Chiefs Association Executive Director Sid Wordell and President Richard Ramsay in a statement on behalf of the organization.
“On behalf of every police chief in Rhode Island, we wish to reiterate that we stand with Black Americans today and every day. Every decent man and woman who wears a badge is committed to doing the essential work of ensuring equity in policing and confronting systemic racism that has plagued our nation for too long.”
“The killing of George Floyd by police last summer was a heartbreaking loss for his family and resulted in pain and anger across the nation. The ensuing conversations and protests concerning our criminal justice system were raw and necessary, as we begin to address flaws in and reforms to that system, said RI Attorney General Peter Neronha.
“At the same time, the criminal justice system as it presently exists needed to deliver justice for Mr. Floyd and his family. That has now happened with today’s verdict. I congratulate Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and his team, and applaud their strong work in prosecuting this ongoing case,” Neronha said.
U.S. Senator Jack Reed expressed hope that the verdict would be part of an improving future for Americans.
“I think every American was rightfully angered by that video of George Floyd being brutally, unjustly killed by someone who was supposed to uphold the law and instead grossly abused their power. This was a just, unanimous verdict reached by a jury that carefully examined the evidence, followed the law, and reached its own conclusion. Nothing can bring George Floyd back, but we as a nation must move forward together. There is more work to be done.”
“I think every American was rightfully angered by that video of George Floyd being brutally, unjustly killed by someone who was supposed to uphold the law and instead grossly abused their power. This was a just, unanimous verdict reached by a jury that carefully examined the evidence, followed the law, and reached its own conclusion. Nothing can bring George Floyd back, but we as a nation must move forward together. There is more work to be done.”
“Our thoughts are with the Floyd family. The verdict is a sign that there is accountability for those who take the life of another, and an affirmation that Black Lives Matter, the RI Police Chiefs Association said.
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