Coventry Town Manager Dan Parrillo and Senior Center Director Bob Robillard escorted the representative through the Senior Center facility, showing him the office space, indoor recreation area and outdoor recreation space, including a cornhole setup.
The complex includes a reception area, coffee shop, dining room, multi-purpose room, seminar & activity room, nursing office, billiards room and administration/social service offices. Project Friends, a state of Rhode Island licensed day program for adults with developmental disabilities, is housed in the Coventry Resource and Senior Center too.
Also attending the event were Constituent Affairs Representative Jacob Rivelli and Sydney (Hayden) Rains, an intern in the constituent affairs office at the Congressman’s 925 Jefferson Blvd. Warwick office. The pair are local residents’ first point of contact when seeking help sorting out working with federal offices. Magaziner introduced the duo and encouraged anyone with difficulties with federal officials to call them at 401 -244-1201.
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