WARWICK, RI — Warwick Police arrested a woman on a DUI charge Sept. 17 at 10:07 p.m. after she drove her white 2016 Nissan Maxima over a curb at a construction site near 2225 Post Road, drawing the attention of a detail officer stationed there.
The detail officer stopped the driver, later identified as Kristen Majors, 40, of 20 Spring St., Cranston, then called WPD dispatch for a patrol officer to respond to the scene, near Chelo’s Restaurant. Officer Bryan Pachecho was called and met him at the address.
When he arrived, Pacheco reported observing the the Maxima drive away, but he was able to catch up to her and make a traffic stop at the Hampton Inn and Suites at 2100 Post Road. Majors got out of her vehicle and approached Pacheco, according to the officer’s report.
Pacheco met Major, whom he observed was unsteady on her feet, and asked her where she had been earlier. Major replied she had been to several spots but could only remember having visited Tavern 12. She also reported having three mixed drinks. Pachecho noted she spoke in circles, with slurred speech, and had bloodshot eyes. He asked her to perform sobriety tests, which she agreed to.
During the tests, Major demonstrated a lack of smooth pursuit and involuntary movement in her vision, was unable to walk a straight line as instructed and could not safely balance on one foot during a one-leg-stand test.
Pacheco read Major her rights and arrested her on suspicion of DUI, then transported her to Warwick Police Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memoria Drive, where she refused to take a breath test of her blood alcohol level.
Pacheco charged Major with DUI, blood alcohol unknown, first offense, and released her from custody with a court date in Third District Court for Oct. 10.
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