Program funding, for municipalities participating, consists of a 67 percent local contribution with a 33 percent “match” provided by the state. The first $5 million of funding is distributed equally, with each municipality eligible for $128,205. The remaining $15 million is distributed proportionately based on each municipality’s share of non-federally eligible lane miles, according to the RIDOT’s site on the program.
State-wide for FY25, the state has allocated $7 million to cities and towns through McKee’s RhodeRestore program, which provides matching funds to local road projects, including recent Coventry road repair work. About 37 cities and towns are participating in the program, which is open to all municipalities. Cities and towns across the state are already submitting their applications; nearly 130 have been approved to date, with more than 100 more under review.
“RIDOT is proud to help our cities and towns apply and be reimbursed for these funds,” RIDOT Director Peter Alviti said during the Oct. 16 press conference at the theater. “Most people don’t know that 80 percent of all the roads in Rhode Island are not maintained by RIDOT, but by our cities and towns. I thank the Governor for making it a priority to address the condition of our local roads.”
In FY24, the debut year of RhodeRestore, the program provided $20 million in state funding to municipalities in Rhode Island, serving as a one-third match to city and town dollars that funded two-thirds of the cost of locally maintained road repair projects. Collectively, the program yielded $74 million of improvements, funding repairs in 823 projects to 522 lane miles of road, 129,700 linear feet of sidewalks and two bridges. All 39 cities and towns participated in the program.
Coventry road repair assistance for 33 projects
Town-wide, Coventry has received funding for 33 projects.
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