Recent News
January 20, 2025

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  • [CREDIT: Graham Center] A graph showing trends, including aging physicians contributing to a projected RI physician shortage.

    RI Physician Shortage Bill: Let RIDOH OK Delayed Licenses

    [CREDIT: Graham Center] A graph showing trends, including aging physicians contributing to a projected RI physician shortage. By: Rob Borkowski

    [CREDIT: Graham Center] A graph showing trends, including aging physicians contributing to a projected RI physician shortage.[CREDIT: RI State House] Peter Appollonio Jr. is a Democrat representing District 29 (Warwick)STATE […]

  • [CREDIT: Professor Shelly Miller, U. Colorado] A still from a video showing the use of masks against close-contact spread of respiratory disease, including COVID-19.

    Kent Hospital Masks Up Today For Everyone

    [CREDIT: Professor Shelly Miller, U. Colorado] A still from a video showing the use of masks against close-contact spread of respiratory disease, including COVID-19. By: Rob Borkowski

    [CREDIT: Professor Shelly Miller, U. Colorado] A still from a video showing the use of masks against close-contact spread of respiratory disease, including COVID-19.WARWICK, RI — Kent Hospital masks for […]

  • [CREDIT: KCWA] A boild water advisory is in effect for the highlighted areas of Major Potter Road. (Affected sites are highlighted on the attached map.) Kent County Water Authority customers in the Spencer Hill and Stonebridge Crossing condominiums are not impacted by this water main break, so this boil water advisory does not apply to them.

    KCWA: Major Potter Road Boil Water Advisory In Effect

    [CREDIT: KCWA] A boild water advisory is in effect for the highlighted areas of Major Potter Road. (Affected sites are highlighted on the attached map.) Kent County Water Authority customers in the Spencer Hill and Stonebridge Crossing condominiums are not impacted by this water main break, so this boil water advisory does not apply to them. By: Rob Borkowski

    [CREDIT: KCWA] A boild water advisory is in effect for the highlighted areas of Major Potter Road. (Affected sites are highlighted on the attached map.) Kent County Water Authority customers […]


  • warwick-city-hall

    Council Rejects New High Schools Special Election 7-2

    warwick-city-hall By: Rob Borkowski

    [CREDIT: Rob Borklowski] Warwick City Hall. The City Council rejected a resolution seeking a special election to revoke authority for further debt for the $350M new high schools bond.WARWICK, RI […]

  • [CREDIT: Rob Borkowski] Warwick Veterans Middle School, 2401 W Shore Rd, Warwick, RI, is the venue for the Warwick School Committee meetings.

    Warwick Schools Deficit Cut to $5.7M Thursday

    [CREDIT: Rob Borkowski] Warwick Veterans Middle School, 2401 W Shore Rd, Warwick, RI, is the venue for the Warwick School Committee meetings. By: Joe Siegel

    [CREDIT: Rob Borkowski] Warwick Veterans Middle School, 2401 W Shore Rd, Warwick, RI, is the venue for the Warwick School Committee meetings. The board continued cutting its Warwick Schools deficit […]

  • [CREDIT: WP composite] A $350M new high schools project will begin in late 2024.

    New High Schools Cost Review Continues Tonight, 6 p.m.

    [CREDIT: WP composite] A $350M new high schools project will begin in late 2024. By: Rob Borkowski

    [CREDIT: WP composite] A $350M new high schools project will begin in late 2024. The new high schools cost is currently over budget by $22.9 million.WARWICK, RI — There’s still […]

All Politics are Local

  • [CREDIT: Mary Carlos] Martin Luther King Jr.'s memorial in Washington D.C. By King's reckoning, the evils of racism, poverty and war were intertwined, and King was determined to oppose them all.

    MLK Day: Whats Open?

    [CREDIT: Mary Carlos] Martin Luther King Jr.'s memorial in Washington D.C. By King's reckoning, the evils of racism, poverty and war were intertwined, and King was determined to oppose them all. By: Rob Borkowski

    [CREDIT: Mary Carlos] Martin Luther King Jr.’s memorial in Washington D.C. By King’s reckoning, the evils of racism, poverty and war were intertwined, and King was determined to oppose them […]

  • [CREDIT: National Archives] A view of the firsts paragraphs of the U.S. Constitution, authored to guard the nation against tyrants and dictators.

    Honor Veterans With Your Vote Nov. 5

    [CREDIT: National Archives] A view of the firsts paragraphs of the U.S. Constitution, authored to guard the nation against tyrants and dictators. By: Warwick Post Staff

    [CREDIT: National Archives] A view of the firsts paragraphs of the U.S. Constitution, authored to guard the nation against tyrants and dictators.Next week, Rhode Islanders join their fellow Americans honoring […]

  • Biden vs. Trump 2024: Are You Smarter Than a Dictator?

    By: Warwick Post Staff

    The 2024 election for president is a rematch from 2020 when President Joe Biden defeated incumbent President Donald Trump for the White House, the only candidate to ever do so. […]

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